Come to Oakbrook Point Apartments at 6:30pm for a story, activity, and a FREE BOOK!  

I hope to see you all there!! :-)
Our first issue of Frylights for this year is now available!  It came home today in our BEE Books, but you can also view it here on our Frylights Newsletter page.

We also had a class meeting last week to decide on our mascot and color for this year.  It was hard work brainstorming, discussing, and voting.  You can see all of the cool ideas we had:
After all of the discussion and voting, our final choice was...

The order form for our class shirts came home today.  They will cost $7.00.  I keep the shirts at school so that we all remember to wear them on special days, and I will wash them after each use.  I can't wait to see our whole class in GREEN!
In this week's Writer's Workshop, we read The Signmaker's Assistant by Tedd Arnold and learned the importance of words on signs.  We thought this book was really silly!  Especially the sign that said "Eat Your Hat!"
After reading, we brainstormed a web of places where we see writing.  Writing is all around us!  
Next, we spent some time writing about places where we see writing.  
We had such great discussions about writing this week!  

We also started practicing the routines and procedures for Writer's Workshop.  We decorated the covers of our Writer's Notebooks, and started a piece of writing to work on!  This year we have an entire class of excited authors who are ready to share their stories!  I can't wait to read them!
I am so excited to update all of our friends and family on the wonderful week we've been having together!  This time of year always reminds me of the song "Getting to Know You" from The King and I. (It's one of my favorite musicals! :-)
We always start our year together by establishing our Hopes and Dreams for first grade (read more about why here).  This year we started by reading a book called Big Al by Andrew Clements.  Big Al's dream was to make friends, and he worked hard until it happened. After reading, we brainstormed our hopes and dreams for first grade and the future.  We wrote about our dreams and posted them on the wall so we can always remember our goals.  This display will inspire us to work hard all year long!
Another activity we always do at the beginning of the year is decide what we want to promise each other to be successful in first grade.  We brainstorm ideas for our promise as a group...
Then we use those ideas to write a promise to each other.
As you can see, we decided LEARNING and HAVING FUN were the most important parts of our promise!  Also, we all sign the promise to show we agree!  
After we created our promise, we read a poem called "I look in the mirror."  We then used mirrors to create our own faces to hang by our promise!
So far we have been having a great time together!  I can't wait to post more about our first week!  :-)
Parents and Students,

It was so wonderful to meet you at registration!  Kids, you amazed me using the ACTIVboard while your parents were filling out paper work.  I can tell we are going to have a great year together!  

Remember the first day of school is Monday, August 8th.  Be sure to get to your bus stop early!  

I can't wait to see you on Monday!  
Come to Meadowcreek on Thursday, August 4th for registration!  You'll get to meet your new teacher and get lots of information!  Remember:  the first day of school is MONDAY, AUGUST 
It was so great to see everyone at the Book Fiesta yesterday!  We had a great time celebrating "Christmas in July!"  

Make sure to join the fun next Saturday, July 30 for our grand finale!  Remember, it's 10:30am at the Lilburn Library.
Salutations boys and girls!

I hope you're having lots of fun this summer!  Mr. Fry, Lily and I are having a great time!  We've been spending lots of time at the pool, reading, and cooking.  On Thursday we're driving to Philadelphia to visit friends and family.  We're going to spend the 4th of July at the beach in New Jersey.  There are always lots of fireworks!  I can't wait!

What have you been up to?  Leave me a comment!  I can't wait to hear how your summers are going!

Mrs. Fry

P.S.  I have photos from the Book Fiesta to show you, but I am having some trouble with my camera.  Once I get it fixed, I'll publish them so you can see!  Don't forget to go and read every Saturday at the Lilburn Library (10:30am).  

Here's a picture of Lily sunbathing on our porch - she loves to lay out here all afternoon!  :-
Hello boys and girls,

Please join me tonight at 6:30 for Sunset Stories at Oakbrook Point Apartments!  Ms. Vogt and I will be reading about crazy zoo animals!  Click the picture for more information:
Also, join me and Ms. Giera on Saturday for Summer Reading Club at the Lilburn branch of the Gwinnett County Library!  We'll be reading a story about Fathers and making a cool Father's Day card!  Click the picture for more information:
I can't wait to see you all!  

Mrs. Fry :-)
Thanks to all of the kids who came out to SRC last Saturday!  We had a great time listening to Ms. Bierman read Stanley's Party with her cute dachshund Dolby!
Ms. Temples helped us make cute dog puppets to take home and act out the story with!
And I was pleased that so many Fishy Friends and their families came to participate!  Thanks for joining in the fun!
I hope to see even more kids next Saturday!  Remember, it's at 10:30 at the Lilburn Branch of the Gwinnet Co. Library.  Click here for more information.  

Enjoy this slideshow of all the fun: