You can see the latest version Frylights here.  Enjoy!
Check back for some updates about our Earth Day activities!  How will you help the Earth today?
Join Mrs. Stopp, Mrs. Vogt, Mrs. Funk and I tonight at Sunset Stories!  We'll be reading and doing activities with families of all ages at Oakbrook Point Apartments!  The fun begins at 6:30pm!

Check out the Sunset Stories website for more information!  I hope to see you there!!!
We've been so busy this month!  Here is a slideshow of what we've been up to since spring break  We've covered persuasive writing, the friendly letter format, magnets, Easter, and using commas in a series.  Enjoy... :-)
Today our class took the Reading CRCT and did a fantastic job!  We had some computer glitches but the kids were so flexible and patient.  I am so incredibly proud of them!

Here is a slideshow of some activities we did before Spring Break!  Enjoy!
Today was our first day of school after Spring Break!  We had a fantastic day together.  I love all of the exciting stories the students had about their Spring Break adventures!  

This morning we wrote about Spring Break on our morning message blog.  Check out our stories here.  

Reminder:  Tomorrow afternoon we will be taking the CRCT Reading Exam.